The Business February 20th 2013: The Koll into Diamonds Edition

Alex Koll.  Original Business Man.  Air Guitar Demigod. General All Around Incredible Human Being.

San Francisco has been lucky to have him, but it's time to let the Koll Diamond shine somewhere new.  New York!  He's moving to the Big Apple, but not before The Business sends him off in style.

Joining us for the big Bon Voyage will be Sam Tallent.  Out all the way from Denver, Sam has been described as 'the Black Flag of comedy' and a zine in Denmark said 'Sam is the surreal voice of an earnestly silly generation'. Reggie Watts, TJ Miller, Kyle Kinane, Sean Patton and other quality gigglesmiths have worked with Sam and not complained to management.

We are also pleased to announce the return of Bobby Joe Ebola and the Children MacNuggits!  Difficult to categorize, awkward on a flyer, and impossible to forget, the “pretty songs about terrible things” of Bobby Joe Ebola have become the soundtrack of the “Great Recession” & civilization’s “Slow Apocalypse”. Longtime friends to The Business and even longertime friends to Alex Koll, there is no better guest to play Alex' San Francisco swan song.

The Business is gonna miss Alex.  This is gonna be a special show.  You wanna be there.

We sell out.  Arrive early for a seat.

Just $5!  You can even get a coupon to bring a friend for free right here


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