Business Jazz – 16th February 2013 – The Soup Nazi is Your Friend

How easy do you make it for people to buy from you?

Do people even know that they can buy from you?

And do they know what they can buy from you?
In this week's episode, Roger and Jane Boyd look at idea's Chris Brogan has about "touchpoints of opportunity" – places where the customer can interact with you or your business. He uses the metaphor of the sidewalk, the storefront and the back room. Roger and Jane end up talking about the Soup Nazi and AJ Leon.

You can listen to this week's podcast using the player at the top of the post or download it directly here: Business Jazz – 16th February, 2013.

We're also in iTunes. We'd love it if you subscribed or left some feedback.

If you'd like to hear an audio version of the email we're discussing this week, you can listen to it on his blog.

See Chris Brogan's Sidewalk

If you'd like to see Chris's sidewalk, and learn about humanizing your business in general, why not subscribe to Chris's emails (the ones we discuss here) on his website?

If you're interested in The Impact Equation, the book he recently published with Julien Smith, you can find it on Amazon US and Amazon UK (these aren't affiliate links, by the way).

AJ Leon is doing some amazing things too. His Pursuit of Everything blog is a great place to go to be inspired.

Business Jazz Players

This podcast is a collaboration of people dotted around the world. Most of us have never met each other. It's quite a story and it's still evolving. 
If you'd like to read what's happened so far, you'll find it here: Our Story.


We have a tradition here at Business Jazz of recording a segment of audio around the main podcast, usually afterwards. Here is this week's:


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