The Business January 18th 2012, "Attack of the Killer Tobe-Natos!" Edition

I say Tobe-Nato, you say Tobe-Nahto. Well, you're wrong, because it's Nato! As in Nato Green, doing a hot six minutes at The Business this Wednesday, along with Joe "Smokey Joe" Tobin doing an extended feature set. This show was certified 96% fresh on Rotten Tobe-Natos, and the National Weather Service issued a Tobe-Nato warning for most of Northern California! Are we mixing up our puns? Maybe!

Joe Tobin is a writer, comedian, and Flyers enthusiast. He performs at comedy clubs all over the land, and he's received critical acclaim for his work with The Joe Tobin Orchestra. He's never booed Santa Claus at a sporting event, but he would understand if you did.

Nato Green is a co-founder of Laughter Against The Machine, the creator of Iron Comic, and was recently voted San Francisco's Foodiest Dad!

We've also got Chris Thayer, Caitlin Gill, Sean
Keane, and fresh off a sold-out tour of Los Angeles, Chris Garcia! As always, admission is just five dollars. Bring your own burrito! Or, if you're Nato, your own home-cured bacon. See you there!

Advance tickets:


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