And the award goes to .....

This being Oscar season, it is but natural that some awards float around in the blogging world. But I was completely bowled over to receive an award from le embrouille blogueur. For those of you challenged on the intricacies of French, he is the very opposite of “le embrouille”. Superb blogger, who is however in “prison” these days and hence not blogging very often – but when he does, he produces masterpieces. Thank you THE blogueur.

I am much tickled by the “Beautiful Blogger Award”. I have been accused of many things, but beautiful ???? :)!! Whew ! I have been walking around with a silly smile on my face !

Bloggers love to keep chains going. Hence any award or tag comes with conditions. This one says - thou shalt

1) Thank the person who gave you the award
2) Paste the award on your blog
3) Link the person who nominated you for the award
4) Share 7 things you find to be beautiful around you
5) Nominate 7 bloggers or more

No 2, I cannot do – thanks to the Net Nanny. Complaints on this score may be directed to jindun gongcheng !

Nominating 7 or more bloggers is a joyful thing to do – for nothing is more pleasing than thanking the guys and gals who provide so much joy day in and day out. Le embrouille blogeuer has preempted me by awarding AJCL, The Thoughtful Train, Athivas and Adesh, who would have been on top of my list too. I am therefore going to nominate seven other bloggers, whose blogs I am very fond of reading. One favourite blogger I am passing because there’s no more space for awards on her shelf.

1. Sandhya – Superb blogger, who is equally at home writing a senti piece as she is in producing a treatise for publishing in a technical publication. A good friend and a warm commenter on this blog.

2. Deepa – Writes lovely fiction that is blended with reality and lovely reality that is blended with fiction. Trouble is that she writes once in 746 days - having too much fun hobnobbing with millionaires in the promised land. Wake up Deepa !

3. RamMmm – Lovely regular blogger, who makes me barking mad when he writes superb pieces on idlis – Oh the pleasures of life that we miss when we are in Net Nanny’s land.

4. Half Indian – This is supposed to be a blog by Dave Joneja, aged 6, but actually by his wonderful mom who is Chinese and has some of the finest photos you can see in blogosphere.

5. Sri – Although I have done this before, I want to “award” him again and again, for the brave soul has ventured in a brave new direction and deserved all our best wishes. Lovely foodie, travelogue writer , warm human being.

6. Reflections – The Begum is a superb blogger and routinely get 176 comments; for everybody loves her.

7. Gils – Of all the bloggers in this world, this one is totally unique. If your Tamil is not great, you may have some difficulty in following him, but nobody can comment as he does and nobody can blog as he does. In addition to the Beautiful Blogger award, I am inventing a Most Beautiful Commenter award for him.

Here are 7 things which I find beautiful around me in the blogging world

1. A snippet from Chotu
2. A thoughtful hoot from the train
3. A nice tale from the marathon runner
4. Wordless Wednesdays
5. Hope that a post would come from this eminent scholar - just discovered that she has deleted her blog when I tried to link it. OMG - athivas - please get it up again. That's an ORDER !
6. The occasionally literary piece from the Bach and Bradman fan
7. The thought of 46 comments for this post !!!!


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