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Le Embrouille Blogueur has been kind enough to give me an award. The award, he gave me with the words “ the man, the machine (firewalled by the Great Wall) ...and the power blogging”. I am honoured. “THE blogueuer”, for he is deserving of this title, is a wonderful blogger friend. He has a unique style of writing, fantastic sense of humour and despite a crazy schedule he keeps, which involves intimate knowledge of various airports, blogs regularly, comments unfailingly and supports enthusiastically.
The award requires me to honour at least 7 friends. This time, I would like to honour seven friends, who aren’t bloggers themselves, but are regular readers of my posts and are good friends in the real world, before I defected to the blogosphere.
Kiwibloke – At heart a Kiwi, but in soul an Indian. Fabulous guy, comments regularly, and can write very well. For the last three years he has travelled so much that he is not a resident in any country in the world. Imagine what a trunk load of experiences he has. I wish he would take up blogging.
Viji – The opposite of kiwibloke. Doesn’t comment at all, but reads all the posts. I know, because she told me so in person. Doesn’t travel. A lady who is much experienced and knows business very well. And she can write very nicely. Could I motivate you to take up blogging ?
Dada – A very dear friend, and been so for a long long time. Western Classical Music expert and the person with the best English I have ever known. He even took up blogging and made one post. And then chickened out. Come back you bum – Blogging ka tempo high hai !
Prince – The quintessential gentleman. No he can’t sing. Yes, he can write , and how. Knows more about business than I ever will know. Comments sometimes. If he took to blogging, The Wall Street Journal, will immediately appropriate him. Come on Prince.
Satish – One of the nicest persons I have known. Warm heart, soft touch, very good looking. He’s not blogging although he’s married to a famous blogger, author, poet, … (too many adjectives to list). Take up blogging please – Preeti maybe a star ; you will be a superstar.
Hansjoerg – A German by nationality, but he is really half Indian and half Chinese in spirit. The person with the largest heart I know. He spends half his life on planes, where he has nothing to do (yeah OK after eating and sleeping) – he can write his posts on the plane. If he wrote, it would be easily the warmest of blogs. At least it would break completely wrong national stereotypes of Germans (that’s to tempt him – tempt tempt).
Zhang Dan – My Chinese teacher. Lovely girl, whose English is so professional. A post graduate student herself, she amazes me as to how patient a teacher she is, with dullheads like me as a student. Her blog, if she chose to write one, would be a wonderful perspective of a young Chinese. Zhang – Stop “qq ing” and start blogging !
So having done my bit to recruit newbies into the blogosphere, here comes the boring blah blah –
• Link the person who tagged you
• Copy the image above, the rules and the questionnaire in this post
• Post this in one or all of your blogs
• Answer the four questions following these Rules
• Recruit at least seven (7) friends on your Blog Roll by sharing this with them
• Come back to BLoGGiSTa iNFo CoRNeR (PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINK) at http://bloggistame.blogspot.com and leave the URL of your Post in order for you/your Blog to be added to the Master List
• Have Fun!
and then the questions and answers
• The person who tagged you: Le embrouille blogueur
• His/her site's title and url : http://dukulsblog.blogspot.com/
• Date when you were tagged : 30th day of June, 2009
• Persons you tagged: see above
The award requires me to honour at least 7 friends. This time, I would like to honour seven friends, who aren’t bloggers themselves, but are regular readers of my posts and are good friends in the real world, before I defected to the blogosphere.
Kiwibloke – At heart a Kiwi, but in soul an Indian. Fabulous guy, comments regularly, and can write very well. For the last three years he has travelled so much that he is not a resident in any country in the world. Imagine what a trunk load of experiences he has. I wish he would take up blogging.
Viji – The opposite of kiwibloke. Doesn’t comment at all, but reads all the posts. I know, because she told me so in person. Doesn’t travel. A lady who is much experienced and knows business very well. And she can write very nicely. Could I motivate you to take up blogging ?
Dada – A very dear friend, and been so for a long long time. Western Classical Music expert and the person with the best English I have ever known. He even took up blogging and made one post. And then chickened out. Come back you bum – Blogging ka tempo high hai !
Prince – The quintessential gentleman. No he can’t sing. Yes, he can write , and how. Knows more about business than I ever will know. Comments sometimes. If he took to blogging, The Wall Street Journal, will immediately appropriate him. Come on Prince.
Satish – One of the nicest persons I have known. Warm heart, soft touch, very good looking. He’s not blogging although he’s married to a famous blogger, author, poet, … (too many adjectives to list). Take up blogging please – Preeti maybe a star ; you will be a superstar.
Hansjoerg – A German by nationality, but he is really half Indian and half Chinese in spirit. The person with the largest heart I know. He spends half his life on planes, where he has nothing to do (yeah OK after eating and sleeping) – he can write his posts on the plane. If he wrote, it would be easily the warmest of blogs. At least it would break completely wrong national stereotypes of Germans (that’s to tempt him – tempt tempt).
Zhang Dan – My Chinese teacher. Lovely girl, whose English is so professional. A post graduate student herself, she amazes me as to how patient a teacher she is, with dullheads like me as a student. Her blog, if she chose to write one, would be a wonderful perspective of a young Chinese. Zhang – Stop “qq ing” and start blogging !
So having done my bit to recruit newbies into the blogosphere, here comes the boring blah blah –
• Link the person who tagged you
• Copy the image above, the rules and the questionnaire in this post
• Post this in one or all of your blogs
• Answer the four questions following these Rules
• Recruit at least seven (7) friends on your Blog Roll by sharing this with them
• Come back to BLoGGiSTa iNFo CoRNeR (PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINK) at http://bloggistame.blogspot.com and leave the URL of your Post in order for you/your Blog to be added to the Master List
• Have Fun!
and then the questions and answers
• The person who tagged you: Le embrouille blogueur
• His/her site's title and url : http://dukulsblog.blogspot.com/
• Date when you were tagged : 30th day of June, 2009
• Persons you tagged: see above
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