Those were the days

Another tag post. This time on the 'Good old days".

I've been tagged by Preeti Shenoy. She's one of the "Le blogueur éminent" of India. A poet, an artist and a superb writer - her book 34 Bubblegums and Candies, which was published last year, is a very nice read. I love cheating a little bit when she asks something, so here's some cheeky doing on the tag.

The tag is to write on the good old days and presumably I've been tagged because I can make it really OOLLDD (just joking :))

I actually did so in one of my earlier posts on accounting. Click here to read this trip down memory lane. OK OK, recycling posts is not on, but I told you I was cheating a bit.

If you like to wallow in nostalgia, I also strongly recommend watching Mary Hopkins sing "Those were the days".

Again, I ain't tagging nobody, but if someone wants to pick this up, consider yourself tagged !! And even if you aren't a blogger, why don't you write a few words on the good old days, in the comments.


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