Thanks, but no thanks, Oprah

Oprah Winfrey is taking all her staff and their families on an all expenses paid Mediterranean cruise. Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it. Actually not. I am not privileged to work for you, but if I did, I would say thanks, but no thanks.

For a semi serious look at why this is not a good idea, click here to read Stuart Jeffries' take.

I am adding my own two penny bit.

Company socials, especially with spouses, are a massive bore. Ninety percent of the conversation is office gossip anyway. Now, I’ve had my fill of it at the office – do I really want more of it. And the spouses. Their lot is terrible. Have you noticed how the office organization structure is quickly evident amongst the spouses. I’m sure they hate it, but have to dutifully attend.

I’ve ranted before of how spouses should have nothing to do with the company. Click here to read this misanthropic rant.

Of course, all of us have some very good friends amongst our office colleagues. Hanging out with them is extremely enjoyable. But privately. Nothing to do with the company. Certainly not at a company do where there are five friends but equally five guys you can’t stand the sight of.

Nobody says at his leaving do, “the thing I enjoyed most about this company is the socials we had every week”.

Grumpy mood today !!


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