Communicating with fellow bloggers

Well, my "tunnel" is dark, and I really can't see very well, so I'm using this post to communicate with my fellow bloggers as there is simply no other way.

I can post on my blog, but can't add pictures. No control over formatting and I can't edit. Can't comment. But I can post, which is something.

I can read all your blogs, for the moment. When you don't have access to a blog, is when you realise how important and beautiful they are - so my fellow bloggers, if I haven't said nice things lately, I am saying them now - you are wonderful.

I can't leave a comment on anybody's blog, except Preeti's. Why Preeti alone , I have no clue , but that's how it is. So here are some generalised comments

Aparna - You must be banned from blogging. Look at your last two posts - on Appa and the guest post from Chotu. Big lumps in the throat - if you write one more like this, I won't have a throat at all. Worth all this nonsensical tunnelling just to reach your blog. Very very nice.

Rads - Are you also in China and blocked ? No posts ?? Ha Ha !

Blogueur - Lovely new look to your blog and loved your last post on neighbours. My own neighbours are all Chinese and I still am hopeless in learning the language. So we smile a lot - they are very sweet and its amazing how much communicating you can do with smiles.

Adesh - Thanks for all the help. You are the best Bloggers' friend in the blogosphere. That's an award to you ! I want to add "outrageously priced tickets to every sporting contest ; especially if Xie Xingfang is playing" to your list in the share of wallet post.

Mark, Hang, Jonna - My fellow bloggers in the Middle Kingdom. What else can I say except to add some tears of frustration, shakes of the fist and general ranting. Great to see you have all found your own tunnels.

Dada - Thanks for all your kind words of encouragement. No they can't "chop suey" me. I am too thin and they want something more beefy.

Preeti - Yes Ma'am. Thou ordered and we hear and obey. Will leave the comment on your site. Can you tell me the secret of how you alone seem to have charmed the pants off the stern faced censors here ? Whisper in my ear please....

I'll keep reading all your blogs, even if I can't comment.

"Normal" business posting from tomorrow (hopefully).


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